Insights: A Leadership Blog

The Lifeblood of Preparedness
Lindsay Peters, Health Policy Intern, Cerus Corporation
October 2021
We are living in an era of pandemics. With each passing year, the threat lives on, as more emerging pathogens are identified and impact human lives. Innovations that are available today and in the pipeline for tomorrow must be leveraged to help secure the safety and sustainability of our blood supply. Supporting the continuity of hospital care and ensuring all patients have access to life-saving blood transfusions must be made integral to pandemic preparedness across the globe.

Highlights from the Annual AABB 2020 Virtual Meeting
Vera Chrebtow, Senior Director, Global Marketing
December 2020
Even during a global pandemic, one of the most rewarding experiences within the global transfusion community is the opportunity to gather and share findings with colleagues, peers, and friends. This fall, representatives from Cerus were excited to present data from 17 abstracts at the Annual AABB 2020 Virtual Meeting.

Are You Ready to Meet the FDA's Platelet Safety Guidance Deadline?
Vivek K. Jayaraman, Chief Operating Officer
October 2020
Likely not since World War II have the topics of blood and blood components had greater awareness in our public discourse. Lately, our news feeds are saturated with hematology-centric headlines reminding the general public that the safety and availability of blood are essential. This is, of course, a world that our community lives and breathes every day.

Team Work and Communications in the Age of Covid
Lori L. Roll, Vice President of Administration
September 2020
With oversight of the company’s human resources, facilities and recruiting as well as a member of the Cerus COVID-19 task force, hear from our Vice President of Administration, Lori Roll, who covers the importance of collaboration while leading during a pandemic and the company’s long history growing diverse teams.

Maximizing the Clinical Impact of Platelet Donations in Extraordinary Times
Richard J. Benjamin MD Ph.D. FRCPath
August 2020
Extraordinary times call for measures that may not be so extraordinary after all. The INTERCEPT Blood System for Platelets, which has already been implemented in Belgium, France, and Switzerland, could be used universally across the U.S. healthcare system to safeguard the blood supply and broaden the donor pool at a time when we are at risk of blood shortages nationally. Cerus chief medical officer Dr. Richard Benjamin writes about the issue of pandemic blood shortages in his latest blog post.

A Brief History of Blood Safety and Pathogen Reduction Technology
Laurence M Corash, M.D.
July 2020
Part one of a series. Dr. Laurence Corash, chief scientific officer at Cerus, shares his perspective on blood safety and how it has evolved over the last 40 years. He served as chief of the Clinical Hematology Laboratory Service for the Medical Center at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) starting in the early 1980s and witnessed, firsthand, the toll and impact that AIDS had on blood transfusion safety in the United States and around the world. Corash explores the history and technological innovation that has been influential in increasing the safety and effectiveness of the world’s blood supply.